TL File Numberer


With TL File Numberer, you can number and rename files according to an user-definable filename pattern. It is ideal for renaming and especially numbering photos.

Current Version




  1. Run "TL File Numberer.exe".

  2. Click the "Select ..."-button to select the files you want to number or rename.
  3. Select whether you want to number or rename the files according to a filename pattern or if you want to replace a string in the names of the selected files by another.
  4. If you want to number or rename the files, enter a filename pattern like this:

    Simply enter the new filename. If you want to have a counter at a certain position, enter <cn,s,t>, where "c" stands for "counter", n is the number of digits the counter shall have, s is the start value, and t the step value, by which the counter increments. Example: "Page <c3,1,2>.jpg" will rename the selected files to "Page 001.jpg", "Page 003.jpg", "Page 005.jpg", and so on. If you skip t, t = 1 will be assumed. If you also skip s, s = 1 will be assumed.

    You can insert a substring of the old filename into the new filename by entering <is,l>, where "i" stands for "insert", s is the zero-based index of the first character of the substring, and l is its length. Example: If the old filenames of 2 files are "DSCF222825.jpg" and "DSCF223118.jpg" and you enter "Picture taken at <i4,2>-<i6,2>-<i8,2>.jpg", the new filenames will be "Picture taken at 22-28-25.jpg" and "Picture taken at 22-31-18.jpg". If you skip l, the substring will start at s and end at the end of the old filename.

    You can also use <c...> and <i...> at the same time. Example: "Picture <c1> of 2 taken at <i4,2>-<i6,2>-<i8,2>.jpg" would rename the 2 files of the previous example to "Picture 1 of 2 taken at 22-28-25.jpg" and "Picture 2 of 2 taken at 22-28-25.jpg".

  5. If you want to replace a string in the names of the selected files by another: Fill in the textboxes next to "Replace" resp. "with". Example: "oldString" and "newString" will replace all occurrences of "oldString" with "newString".
  6. Click the "Start"-button to start the renaming process.
  7. If you want to undo the last renaming process, click the "Undo"-button. Clicking it again will redo.
